Romos nr.114
tel./fax: 0254.245.603 (The Mayor),
0254.245.320 (LOCAL COUNCIL),
e-mail: office@romos.ro
:: Hearings Program
Mayor: Mircea PATRINJAN | Monday to Friday 08 - 10 |
Vice Mayor: Eugen POPOVICIU | Monday to Friday 08 - 12 |
:: Public Admittance Program
Secretary: Mihaela CSATLOS Tel.: 0254 245 620 e-mail: secretar@romos.ro |
Monday to Friday 08-12 |
Agricultural Referent: Valeria POPA | |
Tutelary Authority, Register Referent: Daniela Alina STANCIU |
Accountant Referent: Monica VATAMANU | |
Taxes and Income Referent: Mihaela NASTA | |
Town planning Referent: Ionel BABA |
Library Program: Monday to Friday 08 - 16.