:: Christian CLOOS
He was the son of a Transylvanian Saxon from Romos. He became famous all over West Europe as author of the first book describing the Turks morals and habits. It was printed in 1481 at Urach (France). The book’s title is «Carti ale studentului din Romos» (letters of the student from Romos). The author graduated the Gymnasium in Sebes. During the confrontations with the Turks, he was taken prisoner and taken to Adrianopol. He remained a prisoner for 23 years. He then tried to escape and got caught.
He was sold 7 times to several Turk owners and only after another 15 years period, he was released and allowed to go to Rome. Knowing Turkish and all the events he lived, made him able to write the book that became famous in Europe even before the Turks reached the gates of Vienna. Christian Cloos was the first author of a modest condition, who succeeded to publish a book, something that only the nobles were allowed to, previously. The book was re- edited 20 times.
The legend says that, by the end of his life, Christian Cloos returned to his native village – Romos and lived to the age of 80, on a hill that today is called «Dealul Calugarului» (The monk’s hill). It is also said that after the battle on « Campul painii »(The bread’s field) (1479), Christian Cloos sheltered an injured Turk. It seems he was the son of the last master Cloos had in Turkey.
:: Niculae STANCIOIU (1939 - 1995)
S-a nascut la Romos in 1939. Niculae Stancioiu a absolvit cursurile Facultatii de medicina din Cluj ca sef de promotie. A facut o specializare in profesie la Londra. A ajuns un renumit medic cardiolog si profesor universitar la Cluj.
In 1974 a primit Premiul «Victor Babes» din partea Academiei Romane, pentru lucrarea «Cardiopatii cronice majore». Niculae Stancioiu este intemeietorul «Institutului inimii» din Cluj, care acum, in semn de omagiu poarta numele « Niculae Stancioiu ».
Impreuna cu cativa intelectuali din Romos a pus bazele «Asociatiei culturale» (1968) care s-a implicat puternic in activitatile culturale ale comunei Romos. Staruintelor doctorului Stancioiu si a «Asociatiei culturale» li se datoreaza existeta de acum a Monumentului Eroilor, a Dispensarului medical si Casei de cultura din Romos.
A murit in anul 1995. In semn de pretuire pentru acest fiu al satului, locuitorii din Romos, impreuna cu fostii lui colegii de la Institutul din Cluj, i-au ridicat un monument (1999) chiar in fata Casei de cultura Romos pentru a carei zidire s-a straduit atat de mult.
:: Ioan Sever ORDEAN (1864 -1936)
He was born in August 2nd, 1864, son of the orthodox priest in Romos, Ioan ORDEAN. He went to Blaj and then to Craiova for High School education. He graduated the Agricultural Superior School Herastrau, Bucharest, in 1889.
He went for a practice period to Hungary to the land of an archduke. Back in his country, in 1906, he was appointed chief of the State Seed Bed in Dragasani. In 1919 he was appointed to organize the agricultural education in Transylvania. By his entire activity he did his best to take the peasants out of poverty. He published in several publications: «Filomela» - magazine of the students in the Superior Agriculture School in Herastrau; «Economia Nationala» (National Economics); «Jurnalul Societatii Generale Agricole» (Journal of the General Agricultural Society).
He published a series of brochures on agricultural themes. For a few years he was a teacher in the Agricultural school in Geoagiu de Jos, collaborating with professor Gavril Todica. It was this period, 1919 – 1936, when he edited the fortnightly magazine «Plugarul luminat» (The illuminated ploughman).
He passed away in Romos in 1936, at the age of 70.
Documentation source: "Romos, Transylvanian culture and civilization center " - authors: Ramona Andreea BARAGAN, Alexandra STOICA, Corina Ioana NUCUTA